Virginia Flaggers Help Keep the Spirit of Dixie alive!

The Virginia flaggers have been on the streets in front of the VMFA (The Virginia Museum of Fine Ahem... ) for over 5 years now.  Initially, their  goal was to restore some battle flags that were removed from the premises of the Confederate Memorial Chapel. In the process, they have also been able to save and restore history to honor our brave Confederate ancestors. It all started with the removal of the Confederate Battle flags from the Confederate Memorial Chapel.  Built in 1887, the the chapel was used  to honor Confederate veterans and  sits within the confines of the museum's property. Not long ago, a hasty decision  was made to remove the flags from plain view. Instead , they placed a very ugly and unsightly flag pole on  the property, (containing the American and Virginia flag) ,  obfuscating  the historical accuracy of the chapel and its grounds. Not only was this move a slap in the face to our heritage, it was also illegal!  Now five years later, there is a resurgence of regional pride in Richmond's Confederate heritage and beyond! It started here in Richmond, Virginia - the bastillion of The Old South, the most charming of cities along the East Coast,. It started with a group of people who wanted to celebrate and also recognize  its Confederate past, and not demonize it! The Virginia flaggers have been all over the map- in Lexington, Danville, Fredericksburg and other areas , showing their support for Lee, Jackson, Davis and all our Southern heroes. We look up to these brave folks to putting a hand up towards the intensity of political correctness sweeping the Commonwealth and elsewhere. Thanks to the flaggers, many of our fine Confederate monuments have been protected, and many flags have been raised to honor our fallen Confederate ancestors. If it were not for them, who else would do it? They stand up to these so-called "enlightened" individuals, who would probably rather see Richmond yet burned  again, than  encourage love of its history and culture.

Many responses have been positive. Although for whatever reason, local media, as well as national media, tend to focus on the "counter protesters"- in particular Mister Goad Gatsby, (a local Rapper),   labeling them as some sort of heroes. The counter protesters claim that the Virginia flaggers create a "division" , a general disturbance, and stir up contention within the city of Richmond. But if anything, its these counter protesters that are the annoyance. They are the ones making visitors to our fair city uncomfortable. The likes of them -which no mother has ever seen before , with their snarky comments and attitudes, are the complete opposite of the gentleness and integrity of the Flaggers. Virginia Flaggers are peaceful demonstrators. Sitting for many hours holding the flags steady- some times braving bad weather. These counter protesters are the media darlings of the left wing establishment. They fall all over these HIPSTERS , with their "Not My Flag" (how original?) signs, and their "too cool for school" outlook. The irony of it all, is that radical Muslims  and the far left have much in common. Removal of Southern statues and flags is only the first in a bucket list of destroying the history and culture of the United States. First the Confederate flags, next stop is Old Glory! This is what radical Islam does. It destroys the past.  But the joke is on them. The beautiful and brave lads of The South, who defended our soil in the name of freedom- against all odds, and against the relentless Federal invaders, these people were the good guys. Good always wins in the end. God Bless the Virginia Flaggers for all their efforts, and may they continue to do their good work on The Boulevard in Richmond and beyond! 


  1. Agree, God bless them and encourage them to keep up the good work. Yankee education has put us in the situation we, read, read and find the truth behind their lies.

  2. Hello. What are your thoughts about this?

    Great blog. Great post!

  3. Here is a video of the GOAD GATSBY AKA Kristopher Goad coming undone and committing the crime of curse and abuse of which he will be prosecuted for in criminal and civil court..

    1. Have you worn your "anonymous" mask lately Norwood?

  4. Continue to stand for truth Flaggers! Deo Vindice!

  5. excellent report on the work of some patriotic people...we need more support for them and the principles for which they stand!

  6. Thank you, Sir, for an excellent post highlighting the positive works of the Flaggers. Quite a contrast from the cursing, spitting, juvenile actions of their tolerant opposition.

  7. We Honor Our Southern Heritage, Culture and the Confederate Veterans Who's blood runs through our veins,God does Bless Dixie!


    In Susan Hathaway's hometown! Must have been inspired by the Flagger Queen!

    1. In the reports I have seen she was.

    2. She was not. I saw the interview of her on TV. She was a white young woman. Thanks for trying.


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