
Showing posts from 2011


Paxon House is located on Genito Road in Powhatan County. The farmhouse was built by my great great great great grandfather- Ennion Skelton. His son Dr. John Gifford Skelton, was a prominent physician in Virginia, during the War. He attended to wounded soliders on nearby plantations in the county. He moved in Richmond in 1866- and help to establish The Medical College of Virginia- otherwise known as MCV. Paxton Plantation is a good representation of Powhatan County and most everything is in tact and preserved as it was when it was built in 1819- including the outbuildings. Many plantations and historical houses have been lose due to fire which was much more common in those days. So for a structure like Paxton to remain untouched as it was is very unusual. Here is some footage and pictures of Paxton.