Lyme Disease In Virginia

Many people believe Lyme Disease is something you only can get in New England. But the truth is, Lyme Disease  is more profound in places like Virginia and The Carolinas  than anywhere else in the country. That being said, you can get Lyme Disease in all 50 states. But according to recent research, nearly 100% of Virginia ticks are infected with Lyme Disease. The most common tick in Virginia is the lone star tick- and most Lyme cases arise from that tick alone. When out walking, its imperative to wear protective clothing, and light colored clothing so ticks and easily be spotted and removed. Most of the ticks are found in wooded areas, but even along the shore line.

More than half of people who develop Lyme Disease never even find their tick, let alone the characteristic rounded rash that comes along with it. The rash, either preceded or followed by flu like symptoms, is the classic case of Lyme Disease. However, not everyone reports the rash, or gets all of the flu like symptoms associated with Lyme. Even when Lyme is caught and treated early, anti biotics may not kill all the disease. It can also lie dormant for many years. Many famous people have reported Lyme disease, including George W. Bush. Since Virgina is one of the leading places with Lyme Disease reports, all Virginians should be adamant about protecting themselves and knowing how to treat it. There is no cure for Lyme at this point, but prevention is important, as well as early treatment. The earlier Lyme is caught, the more mild chronic Lyme disease is thought to be.


  1. I didn't know the rate was so high here, wow. A few years back I got somewhat lost in the woods at Manassas Battlefield (got a bit off the trail) and came back with a number of deer ticks. Fortunately, caught 'em all. Unfortunately, an old barbed wire fence did get me!

    1. Yes indeed, and I had no idea how prevalent it was here. But many Dr's are still in denial and believe that Lyme is relative to New England and Northeast states or that the rates in other states are low enough that it isn't an issue. Furthermore, many Dr's will not acknowledge chronic lyme disease. They believe that it is gone once treated with antibiotics.


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