Our Virginia: Past and Present

Bravo! Bravo! Finally a book that has some truth in it. For the past three decades, our Virginia school kids have been taught that the "Civil War" was fought solely over slavery- that their evil ancestors in grey were fighting to keep Negroes as slaves , where the egalitarian North fought to end it. Fiction, of course, but that's what our kids have been brainwashed for so long. If we learned anything in Sunday school, we know that Satan is the father of all lies. So its no wonder that when the Yankees won the war, they re-wrote our history as well. "Our Virginia Past and Present"- presents the truth about blacks and the Confederacy. Joy Masoff presents a beautifully written book about our wonderful Virginia history- people of all races should be proud. Virginia's soil was invaded, and her sons and daughters came to defend her. Would a lot of people still believe the lie that the "Civil War" was all about slavery? Well, some might. But to enlighten children is the first step.

My nephew actually stated that he hates the South because his teacher taught him in class that the South fought to keep blacks enslaved, while the North fought to free them. While its true that a few Southerners felt this way, a majority did not, nor did a majority of Southerners own slaves. The North was fighting to preserve the Union, and the South wanted their independence. That's the truth. So folks, let freedom ring! Why such a controversy? Because the truth hurts some times. No one wants to think that the Africans did sell their own into slavery. No one wants to think that perhaps the North really didn't care about freeing slaves. No one wants to view Abraham Lincoln for his skewed views on race during the that period. But its great to see a firmly different viewpoint for our children to understand. God Bless Joy Mastoff! Pick up a copy today and read it with Virginian pride.


  1. That is very unpleasant: it's painful to hear a young child hates the South. I always explain it this way: postbellum, Robert E. Lee was the president of a university that he ruled with such honor they added his surname to that of Washington's, while Sherman killed Native Americans in the West.

    1. Yes, and that is because the "History" being taught in schools is slanted, and the truth becomes more and more distorted. Many school children today are taught that English settlers were horrible people who gave Indians smallpox and destroyed their land. While this was true of some, many did not. And Indians were not all graceful and wise. Some were savage to the settlers and killed them. The true history books have been infused with liberal agenda and the stories told are those with bias viewpoints, trying to instill guilt and shame on young children today.


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