
Showing posts from June, 2018

Virginia Leads the Way to Waffle House

"Waffle House" is a very distinctly Southern establishment, with very few locations north of the Mason Dixon line. Most waffle houses are guaranteed markers that you are in the South! As you drive down 1-95, you start to see Waffle house locations creep up around the D.C./Northern Virginia area, signaling the gateway. Some argue over Waffle House and Cracker Barrel. I think Cracker Barrel is definitely more "family friendly" than Waffle House. Cracker Barrel is Southern styled too, although it has a lot more locations outside the South than does Waffle House. So if we need a new way to signal when you're in the South officially, maybe this will do it. According to the map below, Virginia is one of the leading states for waffle house locations. It shares the roster with West Virginia, Georgia, Tennessee, and Texas. When visiting a waffle house, be careful not to go there too late at night. Many waffle houses are notorious for their uncivil disruptions and fight...

Sarah Huckabee Sanders: You are Welcome here in Virginia !

It turns my stomach when people have to turn everything into a political issue. Such was the case when the "Red Hen"- a  "farm to table" eatery in Lexington, Virginia , decided to casually dismiss Sarah Saunders as a patron. I don't understand the pettiness and the absurdity.  For heaven's sakes, why?  Why does it have be such an issue? Well, apparently, it was an issue because  the owner decided that her waitstaff was "uncomfortable" enough to be okay with serving Mrs Sarah Saunders. And it was because of her job.  Yes,  that's right. She was dismissed because she works for the President Of The United States. Golly, I'd hate to know what they think of people such as myself, who work for Chick-Fil- A :  A conservative and Christian friendly fast food establishment.  I better not mention I'm a Trump supporter at any restaurant I frequent. Liberals might spit in my food! The owner told Sarah Saunders that she did not reflect their "v...