Virginia Flaggers Help Keep the Spirit of Dixie alive!
The Virginia flaggers have been on the streets in front of the VMFA (The Virginia Museum of Fine Ahem... ) for over 5 years now. Initially, their goal was to restore some battle flags that were removed from the premises of the Confederate Memorial Chapel. In the process, they have also been able to save and restore history to honor our brave Confederate ancestors. It all started with the removal of the Confederate Battle flags from the Confederate Memorial Chapel. Built in 1887, the the chapel was used to honor Confederate veterans and sits within the confines of the museum's property. Not long ago, a hasty decision was made to remove the flags from plain view. Instead , they placed a very ugly and unsightly flag pole on the property, (containing the American and Virginia flag) , obfuscating the historical accuracy of the chapel and its grounds. Not only was this move a slap in the face to our heritage, it was also illegal! ...